Kristi Pavlack
Kristi loves the creative process that is clay. She has been a student since 2006 and has learned the fundamentals through great instruction and practice. She considers herself a student for life and is honored to share what she has learned with others. She enjoys making functional pottery that is both playful and inviting to use. She feels a connection to each piece she makes and her hope is that whoever uses it feels a connection to her. For her, clay is a spiritual practice. Every moment with clay in her hands is a learning moment. There is a stillness she finds when she throws. It is intentional and requires presence. It is meditative. Relaxing. To center one must be centered. Using the breath’s inhale and exhale when pulling helps shape and bring life into it. Surrendering to the process and letting go of the outcomes…the practice of non attachment to the piece allows for more exploration and risk. No matter where the magic of pottery takes you and what your approach is, she believes one thing for certain. Learning the fundamentals is the starting point to any potter’s journey. In this class the focus will be on the techniques of wedging, centering, pulling and shaping. The forms to be studied will be the cylinder, bowl and plate. You will also learn how to trim, make a handle/attachments and glaze. There will be a syllabus to help structure our time. During the personal practice time, Kristi will be available for 1:1 guidance if needed. We will have weekly check-ins to support one another along the way and once we have some pieces made, the opportunity to show them to the group and discuss what we have learned.
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